A How-To Guide to Vision Boarding: Stay on Track All Year Long

How’s your new year going so far? Whether you chose to go with resolutions, a word of the year, intention setting, or you rebelled against all of it and chose to wing it this year, chances are you started 2024 with something on your heart for how you wanted it to go.

I hope it’s going well. I hope it goes well all year long. Even if you step off track or take your time finding a new track.

That’s what I’m hoping for.

A few weeks ago, I hosted a vision boarding workshop at my little cabin in Maine with my retreat partner Sara and our local business/life coach friend Anne. Ladies filled my living room and within minutes of arriving, scissors and glue sticks were flying and magazine clippings covered every surface. We laughed, we shared stories, we drank tea, and we set some pretty big intentions for 2024. It was a good, good day in so many ways. I came away feeling ready to get clear on my goals, so hopeful, so excited for this year.

Every time I’m with other women in person like this it’s like ✨magic✨ for my soul, my dreams, my growth.

The only thing missing was a chance to host you — the beautiful soul in this email group not living close enough to swing by in person. So, I thought I would share a little bit of vision-boarding ✨magic✨ with you this morning in a few small ways⤵⤵⤵


A free download of our vision boarding guide (You can use these steps to create your own vision board anytime.)


A peek at my personal vision board for 2024—it’s not what you’d normally think about when you hear the term “vision board”. (Scroll down to see)


A few photos from the in-person workshop at my house⤵

My favorite thing about vision boarding is that you can do it however you like — in whatever way makes your soul sing.

I chose to make my personal vision board part of my daily journaling practice instead of going with the usual poster-style. Why? Because when I did my year-end reflection a few weeks ago, I realized how easy it’s always been for me to get off track. To lose sight of what I’m working towards. To lose all perspective and get discouraged.

I need help staying on track—probably a little more help than most people. I need to see and touch images daily, to make them a part of my daily routine to keep them on my mind. A poster just wasn’t going to cut it for my fickle self.

So, I bought a few 8x11 journals with thick, sturdy watercolor paper and made a commitment to myself to clip any images I want to for as long as it feels inspiring to do so, and to paste those images right into my journal and write about why they inspire me right beside my usual grateful, mindful, intentional journaling practice.

It’s been so fun. And it just occurred to me this week that my vision board isn’t a “board” at all. Instead, it’s unintentionally becoming a lot like what Simple Abundance calls an "Illustrated Discovery Journal”.

Like so many things in life, it truly is whatever we make it.

Here’s how it’s looking so far ⤵

This weekend, I hope your windows are filled with sunshine☀️, your walks are long & soul-filling🌲, your bedside table is stacked high with good books📚, and your couch is just the right kind of squishy🛋️.

It’s been a busy week over here, so I’m unplugging and hitting the trail with one of my teenagers, hoping to come home to a warm fireplace and a few good books (it’s 17°F here right now-eek!).

If you want to try vision boarding to help you stay on track this year, I hope you’ll download the vision boarding guide⤵ and get in touch to tell me how it goes!


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