
She’s not fragile

Nor is she unbreakable

Not easily brought down

Though not invincible

She needs breaks

Although there will be times when she won’t take them

And she will find herself breaking

. . .

She’ll cram one more to-do into her evenings

Just one more into her weekends

She’ll catch up one of these days

Then she’ll rest, she says

But she gets snippy

Her hands a little shaky

A migraine comes

And the list only gets longer

That empty weekend never comes

The dust-covered books on her nightstand call out

And she knows it’s time

. . .

Time for a break

A real one

Or else she will find herself breaking


She doesn’t want to go there

Not again

So today, she takes her break

. . .

Rest is not a luxury

Nor is it something we earn

You must rest, my darling

Sometimes it’s the most productive thing you can do

That’s where I am today, my lovely. . . sorely in need of a break, a walk in the woods, a slow coffee date with myself, silence.

So, I’m leaving you this morning with these simple thoughts and heading out on the trail for a rainy walk in the woods. I’m starting my weekend early ~ Macbook closed + phone on silent until Monday (after that one meeting I have today, although thankfully it’s a fun one).

If you need a break, I hope you can do the same.

Don’t wait.

Don’t try to earn it.

Do it today.

Most things can wait.

Your soul isn’t one of them.

Below are the last few emails + blogs we’ve chatted about ~ if you need more courage to live the life you know you were meant to live or inspiration for finding a good book to read (or 5), I hope you find it there.

There’s also a little something about the Well + Wander Retreat I’m hosting at Acadia this May ~ Details & links below.

Now, let’s take that break.


Celeste Orr