The 75 Books I've Gushed About So Far This Year

It seems summer’s here in all her glory. Almost, at least. Despite the weird weather in so many parts of the world right now and the fact that I was snuggled into a sweater and puffy Rumpl blanket on my front porch yesterday here in Maine, the official first day of summer is right around the corner (6/21) and 2023’s official halfway point, too (7/2).

Half the year done & dusted, just like that. It sounds so cliché to say, but I feel like it happened really fast this time. How about you?

It makes me think of when I was a kid and everything felt so slow. Summer was all about wasting my days with whichever family member was around to make sure my sister and I didn’t ride our bikes off a cliff and mornings spent over-eating scrambled eggs, buttermilk biscuits with cheese, and coffee full to the brim with milk and sugar at my great-grandmother’s (“Nannie’s”) house.

These days, I feel like I can barely switch into my family’s spring schedule before it’s time to change to the summer camp calendar. Then, I barely get settled into that before it’s fall again and my head is spinning into back-to-school prep. (I’m working on that, by the way. #growthgoals)

So, since you and I are now at the halfway point of this year in books, I thought it would be a good time to check in on our progress and give you a round-up of where we’ve been so far.

25 blog posts featuring 75+ books that can redefine a life ⤵

Unconventional Health

Healthy Phone Habits

Mental Health


Positive Vibes

Viola Davis

Work, Career & Money

The Artist’s Way


Atomic Habits

Responsible Philanthropy

Big Magic

A Powerful Daily Reader

Managing Anxiety



Toni Morrison

My new little book for BIG Dreamers

Morning Motivation


Guilty Pleasure


Artsy Stuff

Outdoorsy Stuff

Stephen King

I hope you’ll choose a couple to dig into today. I hope every single one you choose brings you closer to that big dream in your heart and on your mind today (you know the one). And I hope the rest of this year sees that big dream becoming all yours.

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